Mixing in Math Downloads
Games, projects, and activities that mix in math / Juegos, proyectos y actividades que incorporan matemáticas
Food Fights, Puzzles, and Hideouts for Grades K-5
We believe that creativity, play, and socializing are important ingredients in learning just about anything. This book is designed to put those ingredients into learning math. The games, projects, and activities are geared toward children in the elementary grades, but older children and adults will also enjoy and find challenge in them.
Whether or not you’ve liked math in the past, once you’ve dipped into this book, you’ll see that it can be part of the things you love to do. Find a game, project, or activity and get started!
- Food Fights Intro
- Games Galore
All kinds of games: coin, dice, and board; quiet and active; partner and whole group. Play to win or play so everyone wins!
- Projects and Crafts
Build, design, create, and grow with projects and crafts that use everyday materials like paper towel tubes and cardboard boxes.
- Play with Your Food
Ideas to investigate and games to play when you’re eating, cooking, or party planning.
- Good for Groups
Icebreakers, party games, challenges, and contests designed for a crowd.
- Anytime, Anywhere
Activities to do and games to play wherever you are: in the car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table.
- Any Year Calendars
Things to do on familiar holidays (like July 4), less common holidays (like Backward Day) and any day. Includes a bonus set of ideas for celebrating 100 days.
- Common Core Connections
Rompecabezas, escondites y batallas de comida
Creemos que la creatividad, el juego y la socialización son ingredientes importantes de cualquier aprendizaje. Este libro está diseñado para incorporar estos ingredientes en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas.
Aunque no nos gustaran las matemáticas en el pasado, una vez que probemos las actividades de este libro vamos a darnos cuenta que las matemáticas pueden ser parte de las actividades que nos gustan. Así que escojamos un juego, un proyecto o una actividad de este libro y, ¡pongámos manos a la obra!
- Juegos a montones
Todo tipo de juegos: con monedas, con dados y con tableros; tranquilos y activos; en pares o en grupo. Juguemos a ganar o ¡colaboremos para que todos ganemos!
- Manualidades y proyectos
Construyamos, diseñemos, creemos y crezcamos con manualidades y proyectos que usan materiales de la vida diaria, como tubos de cartón de toallas de papel y cajas de cartón.
- Jugando con la comida
Ideas para investigar y juegos para jugar durante las comidas, mientras cocinamos o mientras estamos planeando una fiesta.
- Para grupos
Actividades para romper el hielo, juegos para fiestas, retos y concursos diseñados para un grupo.
- En cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar
Actividades y juegos que se pueden hacer en cualquier lugar: en el carro, en el autobús, en una sala de espera o en la mesa mientras comemos.
- Calendarios para cualquier año
Ideas para jugar e investigar sobre días feriados conocidos y menos conocidos (como el Día del Revés), o cualquier día. Incluye un conjunto adicional de ideas para celebrar los 100 días.
- Conexiones con el Common Core
Say it with Shapes and Numbers for Grades PreK-3
Play games, build towers, move to the beat, and go on a pretend picnic—all with math! This book contains over 300 ways to mix in math with young children and families, mathophobes and mathophiles, and parents, childcare providers, librarians, and teachers. The games, projects, and activities are geared toward children grades PrK-3, but older children will also enjoy and find challenge in them.
- Say It with Shapes and Numbers Intro
- Games
Play to match colors and numbers, to compare, sort, and count, and to add and subtract. Includes Game boards and Ladybug Card Deck.
- Projects and Crafts
Build, design, and create with projects and crafts that use everyday materials. Includes letters and English and Spanish words in colorful geometric shapes to use for projects that combine geometry, patterns, and literacy. Extra Letter Sets and Blank Shapes
- Food and Water
Ideas to investigate and games to play in the kitchen, at snack time, or around water.
- Good for Groups
Group games, party favorites, icebreakers, and circle time activities for indoors and out.
- Anytime, Anywhere
Activities to do and games to play wherever you are: in the car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table.
- All Year Round
Ideas for mixing math into seasons, holidays, and special events all year round.
- Math Connections
We believe that creativity, play, and socializing are important ingredients in learning just about anything. This book is designed to put those ingredients into learning math. The games, projects, and activities are geared toward children in the elementary grades, but older children and adults will also enjoy and find challenge in them.
Whether or not you’ve liked math in the past, once you’ve dipped into this book, you’ll see that it can be part of the things you love to do. Find a game, project, or activity and get started!
- Food Fights Intro
- Games Galore
All kinds of games: coin, dice, and board; quiet and active; partner and whole group. Play to win or play so everyone wins! - Projects and Crafts
Build, design, create, and grow with projects and crafts that use everyday materials like paper towel tubes and cardboard boxes. - Play with Your Food
Ideas to investigate and games to play when you’re eating, cooking, or party planning. - Good for Groups
Icebreakers, party games, challenges, and contests designed for a crowd. - Anytime, Anywhere
Activities to do and games to play wherever you are: in the car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table. - Any Year Calendars
Things to do on familiar holidays (like July 4), less common holidays (like Backward Day) and any day. Includes a bonus set of ideas for celebrating 100 days. - Common Core Connections
Creemos que la creatividad, el juego y la socialización son ingredientes importantes de cualquier aprendizaje. Este libro está diseñado para incorporar estos ingredientes en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas.
Aunque no nos gustaran las matemáticas en el pasado, una vez que probemos las actividades de este libro vamos a darnos cuenta que las matemáticas pueden ser parte de las actividades que nos gustan. Así que escojamos un juego, un proyecto o una actividad de este libro y, ¡pongámos manos a la obra!
- Juegos a montones
Todo tipo de juegos: con monedas, con dados y con tableros; tranquilos y activos; en pares o en grupo. Juguemos a ganar o ¡colaboremos para que todos ganemos! - Manualidades y proyectos
Construyamos, diseñemos, creemos y crezcamos con manualidades y proyectos que usan materiales de la vida diaria, como tubos de cartón de toallas de papel y cajas de cartón. - Jugando con la comida
Ideas para investigar y juegos para jugar durante las comidas, mientras cocinamos o mientras estamos planeando una fiesta. - Para grupos
Actividades para romper el hielo, juegos para fiestas, retos y concursos diseñados para un grupo. - En cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar
Actividades y juegos que se pueden hacer en cualquier lugar: en el carro, en el autobús, en una sala de espera o en la mesa mientras comemos. - Calendarios para cualquier año
Ideas para jugar e investigar sobre días feriados conocidos y menos conocidos (como el Día del Revés), o cualquier día. Incluye un conjunto adicional de ideas para celebrar los 100 días. - Conexiones con el Common Core
Say it with Shapes and Numbers for Grades PreK-3
Play games, build towers, move to the beat, and go on a pretend picnic—all with math! This book contains over 300 ways to mix in math with young children and families, mathophobes and mathophiles, and parents, childcare providers, librarians, and teachers. The games, projects, and activities are geared toward children grades PrK-3, but older children will also enjoy and find challenge in them.
- Say It with Shapes and Numbers Intro
- Games
Play to match colors and numbers, to compare, sort, and count, and to add and subtract. Includes Game boards and Ladybug Card Deck.
- Projects and Crafts
Build, design, and create with projects and crafts that use everyday materials. Includes letters and English and Spanish words in colorful geometric shapes to use for projects that combine geometry, patterns, and literacy. Extra Letter Sets and Blank Shapes
- Food and Water
Ideas to investigate and games to play in the kitchen, at snack time, or around water.
- Good for Groups
Group games, party favorites, icebreakers, and circle time activities for indoors and out.
- Anytime, Anywhere
Activities to do and games to play wherever you are: in the car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table.
- All Year Round
Ideas for mixing math into seasons, holidays, and special events all year round.
- Math Connections
Play games, build towers, move to the beat, and go on a pretend picnic—all with math! This book contains over 300 ways to mix in math with young children and families, mathophobes and mathophiles, and parents, childcare providers, librarians, and teachers. The games, projects, and activities are geared toward children grades PrK-3, but older children will also enjoy and find challenge in them.
- Say It with Shapes and Numbers Intro
- Games
Play to match colors and numbers, to compare, sort, and count, and to add and subtract. Includes Game boards and Ladybug Card Deck. - Projects and Crafts
Build, design, and create with projects and crafts that use everyday materials. Includes letters and English and Spanish words in colorful geometric shapes to use for projects that combine geometry, patterns, and literacy. Extra Letter Sets and Blank Shapes - Food and Water
Ideas to investigate and games to play in the kitchen, at snack time, or around water. - Good for Groups
Group games, party favorites, icebreakers, and circle time activities for indoors and out. - Anytime, Anywhere
Activities to do and games to play wherever you are: in the car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table. - All Year Round
Ideas for mixing math into seasons, holidays, and special events all year round. - Math Connections