TERC Sessions at NARST

April 17, 2017

National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

GLOCALization and Sustainability of Science Education Research and Practice

San Antonio, TX, USAApril 22 – 25, 2017

Saturday April 22nd

Strand 2: Science Learning: Contexts, Characteristics and Interactions

Symposium: Epistemic Agency as a Members’ Experience

Presenters: Christina Krist, University of Maryland College Park; Danielle T. Keifert, Exploratorium; Déana A. Scipio, TERC; Anna M. Phillips, Tufts University; Jessica Watkins, Tufts University; David Hammer, Tufts University, Brian J.  » Read more

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TERC at AERA Annual Meeting 2017

April 17, 2017

More than 15,000 researchers and experts in the field will convene April 27 – May 1 in San Antonio for the AERA Annual Meeting, Knowledge to Action—Achieving the Promise of Equal Educational Opportunity.

The AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas — from early education through higher education,  » Read more

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National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

April 14, 2017

April 14-17 | Baltimore MD

Building systems from Scratch: An exploratory study of student learning about climate change

Presenters: Gillian Puttick (TERC) and Eli Tucker-Raymond (TERC)

10:15am – 11:45am | Gibson

Abstract: Computing has been a foundational tool in the development of scientific understanding of current and future impacts of climate change, the most important socio-scientific issue facing society today. Science practices, such as modeling and abstraction, are critical to understanding complex systems dynamics integral to understanding climate science.  » Read more

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TERC’s Andee Rubin keynote speaker at New York Hall of Science’s Big Data Literacy Workshop

April 13, 2017


Contact:Ken Mayerken_mayer@terc.edu617.873.9670

April 13, 2017

Increasingly, the prosperity, innovation and security of individuals and communities depend on a big data-literate society, which calls for a concerted effort to determine what it means to be a big data literate citizen, information worker, researcher, or policymaker. As a step toward that goal, the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) is holding a Big Data Literacy Workshop, at which participants will work to identify the quality of regional learning resources and programs that can improve big data literacy,  » Read more

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TERC’s Martha Merson at the George Wright Society Conference

April 7, 2017


Contact:Ken Mayerken_mayer@terc.edu617.873.9670

April 7, 2017

The 19th George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites gathered people who care about and manage protected land. This year’s conference allowed PhD students to share research on everything from snowmelt to equity in park use. It is the place to hear about priorities and progress toward preservation of both cultural and natural resources in a changing landscapes. Martha Merson,  » Read more

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