Three design heuristics for enhancing the use of video to improve teaching practice
Bopardikar, A., Carlson, J., Kimber, E., Loper, S., Pareja Roblin, N., & Rostovtseva, T. (2018)
Three design heuristics for enhancing the use of video to improve teaching practice. Educational Designer, 10(3).
The use of video tools to support teacher learning has become increasingly widespread. While evidence points to the multiple affordances of video to enhance teacher learning, specific design principles that can guide the use of current video-based tools have not been well articulated. With the ultimate goal of developing a framework with shared design heuristics for the use of video to improve teaching practice, this paper describes the design strategies used by four research and development projects concerned with the use of video to support teacher learning in STEM subjects. Based on a review of the literature and inductive analyses of common design features across the four projects, three key design heuristics were identified. We describe the three heuristics including both a discussion of relevant literature and detailed examples of how the heuristics were implemented across the four projects. Altogether, the three design heuristics illustrate various ways to use video as a tool for teacher learning and yield insights that can inform the design of future video-based professional learning experiences.

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Anushree Bopardikar