The Double Bind team at TERC will be hosting two sessions at the Curriculum and Pedagogy conference.

Virtual Mentoring Session: Applying for NSF funding
Wednesday, October 18th at 9:00-11:45 AM EST

Are you thinking about applying for NSF funding for your work? Are you struggling with where to start? In this session, I will share some tips that I have learned from applying to NSF for funding, we will do a hands-on activity, and we will have some time for questions.  

An introduction to qualitative meta-synthesis methods: Definitions, steps, and proposal writing.
Friday, October 20th at 4:30-5:45 PM EST 

Qualitative meta-synthesis is a research practice that brings together the findings from qualitative research literature on a particular topic with the purpose of highlighting common themes across the literature and constructing greater meaning for a field. This pre-conference workshop serves as a mini-course to gain basic skills in qualitative meta-synthesis research and proposal writing for synthesis grants.  

Instructors from the Institute for Meta-Synthesis at TERC will introduce several aspects of qualitative meta-syntheses research, including: what is qualitative meta-synthesis; what differentiates literature meta-syntheses from literature reviews; steps to successfully set up a meta-synthesis project; how to identify and collect the literature to be included in a meta-synthesis; data analysis; and writing proposals to fund meta-synthesis projects. The instructors will provide demonstrations and hands-on activities for participants. The session will be fast-paced and informational, but it will be interactive and will have breaks built in. Examples and activities from the session will have a special focus on STEM equity and inclusion literature. The workshop is open to all but may be especially beneficial to scholars who are interested in topics related to equity, inclusion, and/or STEM education. The Institute for Meta-Synthesis is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF/DRL-2024967). 

To take full advantage of the workshop, participants should come with a topic that they would like to explore in a meta-synthesis and a few pieces of literature that they are considering for this project. By the end of the workshop, participants will have acquired the fundamental skills to get started on a qualitative meta-synthesis project. 

Click here for the conference’s full schedule.