Hands On! Spring/Summer 2018
We are happy to release the latest version of Hands On! TERC’s commitment to and passion for social justice in education resonates throughout the Spring/Summer 2018 issue. Enjoy reading these articles and share them with your colleagues and network.

Last fall the TERC Scholar’s Program, an internship program led by Dr. Mia Ong, received its first cohort of interns, currently enrolled at Wheelock College. You’ll hear directly from these young learners as they share about their immersion in STEM research and experimentation alongside TERC project teams, and how their futures could be impacted by gaining this unique lens on the power of STEM education.
Eli Tucker-Raymond and his research team share a story that demonstrates the power of making practices to connect students with STEM literacy through personally meaningful work. You’ll meet Nasir, whose interest in clockworks and gears is supported in a safe and welcoming making space where he persists in a project, aided by his interest in social justice and his deep connection to the Black Lives Matter movement. Nasir’s making culminates in a visual representation of the interconnectivity of a complex social justice issue. Making science accessible and meaningful to the public is vital for policy discussions and political engagement in a democratic society. Yet today, public understanding of and attitudes toward science are fragmented and contentious.
Research Scientist Brian Drayton shares his emerging explorations of how science knowledge is agreed on in communities, with a series of interviews about working people’s lives and the sometimes hidden role that science plays.
The work of Mary Jane Schmitt, an unwavering and tireless champion for adult numeracy, is highlighted. All adults deserve the chance to enhance their numeracy skills and improve their sense of agency and chance at success in life’s pursuits. Mary Jane’s passion for empowering adults culminated in TERC’s Adult Numeracy Center, which works with adult education centers, community colleges, retention centers, and prisons.
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