Families in the Boston Area Needed!

TERC, a nonprofit organization located in Cambridge, MA, is looking for families with at least one child, age 5 and up, who is deaf or hard of hearing and uses ASL for communication, to use a prototype signing glossary during a visit to a zoo. The glossary is being developed to enhance access to science learning for families such as yours. Admission and parking costs will be covered. Glossaries for use in other kinds of museums, such as nature centers, and botanical gardens, are also being developed.
Where?Your choice of the

  • Stone Zoo (Stoneham, MA)
  • Franklin Park Zoo (Dorchester, MA)

When?Your choice of a morning or afternoon in late August (after the 26th) through mid-September. If August-Sept is not good, we can also arrange a time in early October. Send email to tara_robillard@terc.edu or call 617-873-9872 to find out more about the zoo visit, about visits that are planned to other museums, and for information about how to sign up. Research and development of the glossaries is funded in part by the National Science Foundation (Award #1602284).