Languages in Our Class and Around the World: A Data Excursion for Grades 3–5
Students collect, analyze, and represent data about spoken languages.
They read and interpret bar graphs about the ten countries in the world
with the most spoken languages, collect data about the languages
spoken in the class community, and then use bar graphs to represent this
data. Students also learn about endangered languages and explore the
story of the Wampanoag Tribal Nation’s work to revive their language.

This Excursion involves 5 activities, to be done in sequence, and includes links to reproducible resources and a Slide Deck.
Students collect, analyze, and represent data about spoken languages.
They read and interpret bar graphs about the ten countries in the world
with the most spoken languages, collect data about the languages
spoken in the class community, and then use bar graphs to represent this
data. Students also learn about endangered languages and explore the
story of the Wampanoag Tribal Nation’s work to revive their language.
This Excursion involves 5 activities, to be done in sequence, and includes links to reproducible resources and a Slide Deck.

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