Join us for a virtual screening of "Counted Out," an award-winning documentary film by Vicki Abeles.

Elham Kazemi discusses examples of collaborative classroom communities that foster equitable participation.

Sets of related activities that encourage students to apply the mathematics they are learning to the contexts of their own and others’ lives and communities.

The week of September 23rd, members of the Forum team will be presenting at the NCSM and NCTM Annual Conferences in Chicago.

Come learn with us! We are offering two professional learning opportunities this summer.

The Teacher Reflection Tool for Small Group/Pair Work is designed to provide a structure for reflecting on student participation and the interactions among students during small group and pair math work.

Join educators interested in fostering equitable learning environments in their elementary math class...

The Teacher Reflection Tool for Whole Class Discussions is designed to provide teachers with a structure to reflect on student participation in whole class discussions and instructional decisions that may affect it.

Come learn about tools for creating equitable math learning communities.

The Student Reflection Tool: Getting to Know Your Students is designed to support teachers in making student reflection a regular part of their practice.

Come learn about tools for creating equitable math learning communities.

Learn about picture books that combine authentic cultural diversity, emotionally resonant stories, and deep mathematical ideas.

Members of our team will be presenting in Washington, DC.