Zoombinis, an award-winning game, engages players in guiding little blue Zoombinis on a “fun but perilous” journey featuring 12 logic puzzles, each with 4 levels of difficulty.
Playing Zoombinis brings mathematic content alive. Players grapple with sets and logical relationships; dimensions, graphing, and mappings; and a mixture of sorting, comparing, algebra, and algorithms. Zoombinis is shown to build Computational Thinking (CT) practices—problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm design—as well as organizing data, systematic testing, reasoning based on evidence, and much more.
The game is designed for play in both schools and homes.

Get the Game
You can purchase and download the game for iPad, Android Tablet, Kindle, or computer desktop.
If you’re an educator interested in purchasing Zoombinis for a school or other education organization:
FableVision Games hosts a browser-based version with class and school licenses, as well as education and professional development materials.
Education sets of the desktop version of the game are also available. Contact Encore: https://www.encore.com/contact-us
Also, the education materials (Educator’s Guide, Parent’s Guide, Mathematical Learning) from the original, mid-1990s version of the game, then called The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, are still relevant. And various support videos are available on YouTube.