Developing Equitable Participation Through Reciprocity and Relationship

Dr. Elham Kazemi
March 6, 2025 (7-8 pm EST)
Description: I draw on ideas of reciprocity and relationship to provide examples of collaborative classroom communities that foster equitable participation. How can stories and storytelling provide rich contexts for discussions that build children’s agency and identities as mathematicians at the same time that they orient children to each other? How do we invite children to mathematics in a way that honors and takes seriously their diverse ways of thinking and being?

Elham Kazemi is a professor of mathematics education at the University of Washington. She studies children’s mathematical thinking and learning experiences in classrooms, the teacher’s role in facilitating discussions, and how teacher educators design and lead environments so that teachers learn from and with their students. One important theme throughout all this work is nurturing strong professional communities among teachers. Her research and partnership work has been informed by research on organizational learning, school transformation, children’s mathematical thinking and classroom practice.