Based on work with scientists and park interpreters to increase appreciation for scientists’ work and for parks as outdoor labs, we have some hard-won insights. On this page, find ideas for:

  • Launching collaborations with park rangers
  • Collecting and composing visuals for use with public audiences
  • Links to talks about the benefits of outreach collaborations to one’s science and to one’s career.

Articles on designing for broader understanding, launching partnerships and more.

Talking Visuals in a Digital Age

Legacy Magazine Sept/Oct 2019

Shaping Outreach and Education Collaborations with National Park Interpreters

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology co-sponsored Science in the Public Eye, a symposium on outreach. Articles

Shaping Outreach and Education Collaborations with National Park Interpreters

Scientists’ Outreach Preferences

Tips in Words and Drawings: Launching Outreach Partnerships in National Parks

Based on work with scientists and park interpreters to increase appreciation for scientists’ work and for parks as outdoor labs, we have some hard-won insights. We wrote up our tips and illustrated them for a quick read designed to help you navigate the complexity of NPS, avoid some pitfalls, set up students and colleagues for success, and to bring forth a smile. 

Report from the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Symposium 2018

 Strategies and challenges behind communicating science to the public

Report from the George Wright Society Conference 2017

Download The Goldilocks Syndrome