Innovate to Mitigate challenges 8th–12th grade students to submit ideas that will mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gases.
Student teams submit a brief abstract describing their idea(s) for an innovation. After a crowdsourced discussion, they use feedback from peers to revise their idea, then develop and test a mitigation prototype. Finally, they submit a video and paper that make the case for how and why their innovation will reduce greenhouse gases. Winners are selected by a team of judges.
Students! Compete for a chance to win prize money. Earn recognition from peers, community, and experts.
Teachers! Engage your students in problem-based learning. Invite them to do STEM projects that have the potential for real-world impact in mitigating climate change. The Innovate to Mitigate Challenge, aligned with Next Generation Science Standards practices, works in the following contexts:
Read a brief article describing past student submissions or browse student videos.
Interested teachers can preregister below. We will contact you promptly to share more information and answer questions.
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I was drawn to the opportunity to actually do something tangible with what I had been learning in school. I love academics, but I am also interested in applying what I learn."