ND in STEM encourages everyone to think, act, engage. Here’s a list of some ways to do that.

Podcast: Embracing Neurodiversity in STEM Education for All Learners

Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke was an April 2024 guest on Think Inclusive, the podcast produced by Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. Episode summary: “Join us on the Think Inclusive Podcast as we delve into the fascinating intersection of STEM education, game-based learning, and neurodiversity with our guest, Jodi Asbell-Clarke. With an intriguing blend of personal anecdotes and professional insights, this episode offers a deep dive into the ways educators can foster inclusive STEM classrooms that empower all learners, including those who are neurodivergent.”

Video: STEM Problem Solving and Neurodivergent Learners

Film director Aaron Wolf collaborated with the ND in STEM at TERC team to create this video featuring actor Chris Williams. Chris and Aaron discuss their personal experiences as neurodivergent learners and talk about how STEM problem solving has led them to think outside the box in their careers. You can find Aaron Wolf at the I Am Able Foundation, a community working to remove the stigma surrounding neurodivergence.

Guest Post: How Neurodiversity Can Help Fill the Cybersecurity Workforce Shortage

Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke wrote this post for cybersecurity news site Dark Reading. It argues that many people with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and other neurodiverse conditions bring new perspectives that can help organizations solve cybersecurity challenges. Read the post here!

CIRCLS’23 Convening

Multiple TERC and neurodivergent co-design team members attended CIRCLS’23, where they presented on the CIRCLS 2023 Community Report.

Podcast: Neurodiversity in STEM Education

Dr. Zac Alstad, Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke, and Dr. Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki talk with Dr. Hackie Reitman of Different Brains about the team’s innovative work to make STEM education more inclusive for neurodivergent learners. Watch the recording or read the transcript.

edWeb: Revealing the STEM Talents of Neurodivergent Learners

Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke provided educators, specialists, and administrators with examples of teaching and learning tools that help build elementary and middle school students’ computational thinking while supporting the executive function needs of all learners. Listen to the recording here.

Podcast: Assembling Inclusion

Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke speaks with host Katie Lieves Licwinko to talk about the INFACT project, an inclusive program to teach computational thinking skills in grades 3-8 that embeds supports and multiple modalities so all students can succeed. Find the recording here: Assembling Inclusion

TED Talk: We Know More Than We Can Tell

Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke speaks at TEDxBeaconStreet in 2017 about unleashing the potential of all learners by looking at what people can do, not just what they can say. 

UniVRsal Access Videos

Hear from the students co-designing a VR game set on the surface of Europa Prime.

Find a video with co-designers from Landmark College students.

Find a 2021 video about the UniVRsal Access project.

INFACT Video Showcase

Explore the INFACT STEM for All Video Showcase.

Council of Chief State School Officers

Dr. Jodi Asbell-Clarke shared the opportunity to join INFACT research focused on supporting ND learners’ development of computational thinking skills at a webinar sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers in March 2023. Find the recording here.

Society of Research in Child Development

Find Scott Pattison, Sabrina De Los Santos, and Smirla Ramos Montañez’s poster, Playful materials catalyze imaginative play and shift the nature of engineering design for preschool-age children and their families.

Downloadable version of the poster.