The work of ND in STEM is constantly changing, as are the opportunities for getting involved. We invite you to join our mission by thinking, acting, and engaging with us to promote equity and diversity in STEM education for all learners.

Share Your Story

Want to inspire others and be heard? We welcome educators, neurodivergent learners, professionals and all others to share their story and experiences. 

Currently, ND in STEM is seeking stories from learners with intellectual disabilities (ID), or their guardians or caregivers, who are interested in STEM, have vocational aspirations in STEM, have participated in STEM programs or enrichment opportunities, etc. STEM education is often deprioritized for some learners, and we’re trying to find examples of where it is not… STEM is everywhere and for everyone. Contact us or email ndinstem @ if you’d like to share a story!

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Engage with ND in STEM on social media. You can follow ND in STEM on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

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Want to learn more about ND in STEM? Want to be added to a list for getting involved? Have a question or request? Something else? We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us.