Partnering with communities to study and support equitable STEM learning for families in informal and everyday learning contexts.

Welcome to the Center for Equitable Family STEM Learning at TERC. We are a group of researchers, educators, and community advocates dedicated to collaborating with families and community organizations to understand the unique ways that families engage with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) outside of school, elevate the voices and perspectives of families in STEM education research, and develop programs and collaboration models that help transform systemic inequities in STEM education for families. Our projects use participatory methods and asset-based approaches to counter deficit narratives and highlight the strengths and knowledge that already exist within families from diverse cultural communities.

Cuando tenemos un problema con ellos trato de involucrarlos para que se sientan parte de esa solución y para que adquieran esa habilidad de solucionar problemas. Para que cuando ellos tengan un problema ellos puedan pensarlo un poquito más para poder solucionar el problema.” [When we have a problem with the kids, I try to involve them so that they feel they are part of the solution and so they build their problem-solving skills. So that when they have a problem, they can think a little more about how to solve it.]

– Parent collaborator