Adult Math Instructors – Meet Your People!
Are you experiencing the post-holiday season blahs, stuck in a math teaching rut? Or maybe you’ve made a new year’s resolution to try new strategies and activities with your adult students but need some ideas to get started?
The Adult Numeracy Network was created to support and inspire teachers just like you!
What is the Adult Numeracy Network?
In their own words…

The Adult Numeracy Network is the professional organization for math educators who work in adult education in the United States and a partner affiliate with the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM). We are a community dedicated to quality mathematics instruction at the adult level. We support each other, we encourage collaboration and leadership, and we influence policy and practice in adult math instruction. Our members include teachers, tutors, researchers, administrators, and professional developers working in adult basic education (ABE), adult numeracy, high school equivalency, community colleges, developmental mathematics, and family numeracy.
Our network is a place to share the joys, challenges, resources, and insights for teaching and learning math and numeracy skills to adult learners.
Visit the ANN website at for research, teaching tips and ideas, regional support, the ANN newsletter, and plain old cool math stuff!

Follow them on Twitter @adultnumeracy1