Anti-racism Through High-level Content and Teachers’ Reflections

We are committed to creating equitable opportunities for high-level disciplinary practices for all learners, particularly students from racially and ethnically marginalized communities that are often denied access— Black, LatinX, Indigenous—and others who identify as people of color or members of traditionally underserved populations—students from low-income families or rural or urban communities.

Visualize Teaching provides an antidote to the kind of skills-based curriculum in which our targeted youth too often spend all too much of their time. This enacted curriculum hampers youth from developing as fully empowered adults and reinforces stereotypes about who can do “real math.”

Basing activities on conceptually-oriented open educational resources, VisTe developers inject additional open-ended conjecturing and rich justification prompts, which are core to empowering, authentic mathematical practice. Coaches and teachers will learn and leverage antiracist frameworks and analytic digital tools to address systemic inequities that play out in their classrooms.